
Home Murals Art Gallery Art Education Publications Children's Books Functional Art Affiliations Resume Contact Me


 Debra Koppman has been affiliated with a range of non-profit arts organizations, arts providers, and educational institutions.

bullet SculptCastConversations
bulletJFK University
bullet UC Berkeley Extension
bullet Sequoia Elementary School
bullet Young Audiences of Northern California (San Francisco, California)
bulletVALA - Visual Arts Language Arts (Berkeley, California)
bullet California Arts Council
bullet ProArts
bullet ARTSHIP
bullet Artweek
bullet ALICE (Arts and Literacy In Childrens Education)
bullet Pacific Rim Sculptors Group
bullet California Society of Printmakers
bullet Frank Bette Center for the Arts (Alameda
bullet American Craft Council
bulletNational Art Education Association
bulletCollege Art Association
bullet National Association of Women Artists
bullet SFMOMA Artists Gallery

This site was last updated 03/25/19